
Address to the Graduating Class

“Address to the Graduating Class”University High SchoolOxford, Mississippi, May 28, 1951 Years ago, before any of you were born, a wise Frenchman said, “If youth knew; if age could.” We all know what he meant: that when you are young, you …

イアン・マッケランに関する醜いcustody battleは避けられた

EDINBURGH, SCOTLAND—Following Scotland’s referendum Thursday rejecting independence from the United Kingdom, sources confirmed that a protracted and ugly custody battle over celebrated actor Sir Ian McKellen had been narrowly avoided. “In …


cognate object


他のメンツはわかるけど何で skosh なんかマイナー語がそんなに検索されてるんだ? ※日本語の「少し」からでオックスフォード辞典によると1950年代から広まったそうです。

Suds in The Bucket

Sara Evans - Suds In The Bucket (Official Video ... She was in the backyard - they say it was a little past nineWhen her prince pulled up - a white pickup truckHer folks shoulda seen it comin' - it was only just a matter of timePlenty old …


Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can’t see where it keeps its brain. - Arthur Weasley(Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets) ハリポタ界隈では有名な名言