
I kind of took a pique against a cop

I was wheeling my bicycle, going a shopping arcade in my neighborhood. I felt like a meal at the (dingy) diner where I sometimes went, and just as I entered, one of cops on the beat spoke to me. "Excuse me adrupt question," he said, "where…

イアン・マッケランに関する醜いcustody battleは避けられた

EDINBURGH, SCOTLAND—Following Scotland’s referendum Thursday rejecting independence from the United Kingdom, sources confirmed that a protracted and ugly custody battle over celebrated actor Sir Ian McKellen had been narrowly avoided. “In …


I don't consider that you kept your promise. 君が約束を破ったということを考慮に入れます 《◆I consider that you didn't keep your promise. より普通》 Source: ジーニアス英和辞典 英文法の基礎で、not think that ~では「~ではないと思う」とthat…

Holes: chap. 1

キャンプグリーンレイクには湖がなかった。かつてはここにとても大きな、テキサスで一番大きな湖があった。それは100年以上前だった。今やまったく干上がり、平坦な荒地である。 同じようにグリーンレイクの町も昔はあった。その町はしなび、湖とそこに住ん…


MLPの自前の邦訳をUPしてくれる方々には本当に感謝しているんですが、ちょっと気になる訳もあります。 s1e8 ‐ ニコニコ動画:GINZA 冒頭付近です。 AJ:折れたをくっつけちゃダメだって! まさか他の枝もくっつけてるんじゃないの? ラリティ:みんなもや…

a little skirmishing manoeuvre

Snowball, who had studied an old book of Julius Caesar's campaigns which he had found in the farmhouse, was in charge of the defensive operations. スノーボールは,農場家屋で見つけたジュリアス・シーザーの軍事作戦の古本を研究しており,防衛作…


キーワード:逆進する(reverse)、pull in(到着する)、pull into(~に車・列車を入れる)、鉄道操車場(railway yard)、衝突する(ram, collide withなど) 面白いと思ったところ、注意すべきところ close shave=間一髪のところで逃れること(例:I ha…


He won’t break a bruised reed. He won’t quench a smoking flax, until he leads justice to victory.*1 は旧約か新約だか知らないが聖書の文だそうです。 ここから quench a smoking flax は「将来性のある発展を中断する」意味。 追記 きちんとした説明…


Babbling, Bumbling Band of Baboons -- Harry Potter ... 炎のゴブレットの1シーン。一応Script載せておきます。 Mcgonagall: The Yule Ball has been a tradition of the... Triwizard Tournament since its inception. On Christmas eve night, we and o…

symptom と sign の違いについて

Symptoms of corneal abrasion include pain, photophobia, a foreign-body sensation, excessive squinting, and a reflex production of tears. Signs include epithelial defects and edema, and often conjunctival infection, swollen eyelids, large p…

back up a few times & hunker down for serious lip reading(数回バックアップし、本気の読唇術に気合を入れる)

The precious dialogue is sometimes muffled, so that I had to back up a few times and hunker down for serious lip reading. Souce: Oxford Sentence Dictionary 「その凝った対話は時々くぐもるので、私は数回バックアップをとり本気の読唇術に気合を…

dovetail など

C: I told you not to take that case specifically so you could deal with Wilson. H: And the two ended up dovetailing rather nicely, don't you think? C: This is how you show your frindship? By bludgeoning him with guilt? H: Because he's my f…

秘密保全法について The Economist による記事 Press freedom in Japan: Secrecy and lies(日本の報道の自由:秘密と嘘)

“A PARADISE for spies” is how a former agent of the Soviet KGB described Japan in the 1980s. Little has changed, though now the politicians and bureaucrats more often pass information to journalists than to foreign agents. But this autumn …

an Orphic piper with a mother-of-pearl face とは

In The Flutist, an Orphic piper with a mother-of-pearl face charms fossilized rocks, which rise from the grassy ground to assemble a ziggurat ascending to the ether. ザ・フルーティストで、真珠層の顔のオルフェウスの様に音色の美しい管楽器奏…


Among the humbugs of these times there is none so preposterous as this idea of subjugation, and yet there is no word in the English language upon which so many changes have been rung. If a fort threatened by secession is reinforced by the …

drift, matte, impart

Headed as they were, and having no other special objective point in view, it was only natural for the two fugitives to drift into Sheridan. Source: Keith of the Borde

pyrotechnics, kleptomania, ornithology

pyro-=火 pyrography=焼き絵(リンク先参照;パイログラフィ) pyrolysis=熱分解 pyromania=放火癖 pyrometer=高温計(パイロメーター) pyrotechnics=花火の打ち上げ(のような華々しさ);花火製造術 kleptomania=窃盗壁


prophylaxis propinquity propitiate

Sisyphean, tome, accessible

Existential dilemma from the Japanese wasteland | The Japan Times This spiritual, Sisyphean effort at poetic creation in the face of ineluctable failure moves Takano to press on and lends this tome a profound wisdom. The clear, concise ren…

truculent, stiff-necked unilateralism, umbrage, affront

The truculent aggression and stiff-necked unilateralism of both teams are already well known.*1 One of the lads took umbrage at this public affront to his manliness and duly acknowledged the driver with a hand signal that wasn't too friend…

wherewithal, whet, trim

A gusher of cash flow is giving businesses the wherewithal to increase their capital outlays. (OSD)*1 He drew his saber, whetted to a razor-edge.*2 mandrill = a large West African baboon with a red and blue face, the male having a blue rum…


aardvark harpoon quisling 面白い綴り

Cadmean victory = Pyrrhic victory

Cadmean は「カドモス(Cadmus)の(ような)」。カドモスの勝利……(って言い方あるのか知らん。) A.Word.A.Day --Cadmean victory 「ピュロスの勝利(Pyrrhic victory)」と同義。


英単語のテストサイトはWeblioとか色々ありますが 最近見つけた良サイト NHK英会話で語彙力特訓ボキャマラソン - お散歩英語ボキャブラリーあっぷあっぷ

Lincoln the Persuader

As we know, no presidency was more crisis-ridden and hectic than Lincoln’s. His surface calm and good-natured demeanor do not suggest how totally engaged he was by the job. While never well organized or systematic, he was an energetic, han…

Rube Goldberg

The world's most awesome Rube Goldberg ... ……9分も観てられねェよ Rube Goldberg てのはアメリカの漫画家の名前で彼の漫画のように「馬鹿げたほど複雑な;複雑過ぎて実際的でない」*1とかいう意味を表し、動画のようなピタゴラスイッチ的なものを一般…

Novel Finding: Reading Literary Fiction Improves Empathy

Novel Finding: Reading Literary Fiction Improves Empathy: Scientific American How important is reading fiction in socializing school children? Researchers at The New School in New York City have found evidence that literary fiction improve…

"I, Frankenstein"

'I, Frankenstein' Trailer Offers Look At Action-Heavy Adaptation That Might Not Get Mary Shelley's Stamp*1 The newest iteration of Frankenstein's monster, played by a buff*2 Aaron Eckhart, is "like no other" -- unless you're familiar with …