

「立ち去る」のイディオムを調べていた時に目に留まった。 “Time to blow this Popsicle stand,” “make like a tree and leave,” and as Snagglepuss the cartoon character would say, “Exit, stage left!” TV cartoon character “Snagglepuss” first appea…



I kind of took a pique against a cop

I was wheeling my bicycle, going a shopping arcade in my neighborhood. I felt like a meal at the (dingy) diner where I sometimes went, and just as I entered, one of cops on the beat spoke to me. "Excuse me adrupt question," he said, "where…

Address to the Graduating Class

“Address to the Graduating Class”University High SchoolOxford, Mississippi, May 28, 1951 Years ago, before any of you were born, a wise Frenchman said, “If youth knew; if age could.” We all know what he meant: that when you are young, you …

イアン・マッケランに関する醜いcustody battleは避けられた

EDINBURGH, SCOTLAND—Following Scotland’s referendum Thursday rejecting independence from the United Kingdom, sources confirmed that a protracted and ugly custody battle over celebrated actor Sir Ian McKellen had been narrowly avoided. “In …


cognate object


他のメンツはわかるけど何で skosh なんかマイナー語がそんなに検索されてるんだ? ※日本語の「少し」からでオックスフォード辞典によると1950年代から広まったそうです。

Suds in The Bucket

Sara Evans - Suds In The Bucket (Official Video ... She was in the backyard - they say it was a little past nineWhen her prince pulled up - a white pickup truckHer folks shoulda seen it comin' - it was only just a matter of timePlenty old …


Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can’t see where it keeps its brain. - Arthur Weasley(Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets) ハリポタ界隈では有名な名言


I don't consider that you kept your promise. 君が約束を破ったということを考慮に入れます 《◆I consider that you didn't keep your promise. より普通》 Source: ジーニアス英和辞典 英文法の基礎で、not think that ~では「~ではないと思う」とthat…

Holes: chap. 1

キャンプグリーンレイクには湖がなかった。かつてはここにとても大きな、テキサスで一番大きな湖があった。それは100年以上前だった。今やまったく干上がり、平坦な荒地である。 同じようにグリーンレイクの町も昔はあった。その町はしなび、湖とそこに住ん…


MLPの自前の邦訳をUPしてくれる方々には本当に感謝しているんですが、ちょっと気になる訳もあります。 s1e8 ‐ ニコニコ動画:GINZA 冒頭付近です。 AJ:折れたをくっつけちゃダメだって! まさか他の枝もくっつけてるんじゃないの? ラリティ:みんなもや…

a little skirmishing manoeuvre

Snowball, who had studied an old book of Julius Caesar's campaigns which he had found in the farmhouse, was in charge of the defensive operations. スノーボールは,農場家屋で見つけたジュリアス・シーザーの軍事作戦の古本を研究しており,防衛作…