wherewithal, whet, trim

A gusher of cash flow is giving businesses the wherewithal to increase their capital outlays.*1

He drew his saber, whetted to a razor-edge.*2

The timeserver has trimmed his opinions out of expediency.*3









*2:鋭い刃先にまで研ぎ澄まされたサーベルを抜いた。(OSD)razor-edge は「瀬戸際,危機(edge)」の意味もある

*3:その日和見主義者は便宜次第で意見を変えてきた。(OSD) trim は多義で「trim the itinerary to 3 days その旅程を3日に切り詰める(curtail)」「a trim appearance こぎれいな様子」「keep in trim 体調が良い」等々