

“Time to blow this Popsicle stand,” “make like a tree and leave,” and as Snagglepuss the cartoon character would say, “Exit, stage left!”


TV cartoon character “Snagglepuss” first appeared in 1959.

-- “Get Out of Dodge,” “Shuffle Off to Buffalo” | Disappearing Idioms

ハンナバーベラ(元々トムとジェリーパワパフの会社でワーナーブラザーズに吸収された)のアニメのキャラで、Snagglepuss という名前らしい。一目見てピンクパンサーみたいだなァと感じる。


Snagglepuss is a Hanna-Barbera cartoon character created in 1959, a pink anthropomorphic mountain lion sporting an upturned collar, shirt cuffs and a string tie. He is voiced by Daws Butler, and is best known for his famous catchphrase, "Heavens to Murgatroyd!", along with phrases such as "Exit, stage left!"

Snagglepuss は1959年に生まれたハンナバーベラのカートゥーンキャラクターであり、上に返した襟、ワイシャツの袖口、ひもネクタイを身につけているピンクの擬人化したクーガーである。彼は Daws Butler に声をあてられ、彼の有名なキャッチフレーズ "Exit, stage left!" に加えて "Heavens to Murgatroyd!" で一番よく知られている。

-- Snagglepuss - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Snagglepuss (01: Major Operation) - YouTube



立ち去る:blow this Popsicle stand;make like a tree and leave


= hydrofoil
= airfoil




I kind of took a pique against a cop

I was wheeling my bicycle, going a shopping arcade in my neighborhood. I felt like a meal at the (dingy) diner where I sometimes went, and just as I entered, one of cops on the beat spoke to me. "Excuse me adrupt question," he said, "where did you buy that bicycle?"

Among quite a lot of people there, he selected me to be the target. Of course, that does not necessarily mean they thought there was something suspicious about me or mine, plus there is a matter of chance always.

Nevertheless, I was a bit offended and couldn't help feeling kind of patronizing attitude from that cop. When I think of the fact that such a trivial thing hurts me, it makes me gloomier.

Address to the Graduating Class

“Address to the Graduating Class”
University High School
Oxford, Mississippi, May 28, 1951

Years ago, before any of you were born, a wise Frenchman said, “If youth knew; if age could.” We all know what he meant: that when you are young, you have the power to do anything, but you don’t know what to do. Then, when you have got old and experience and observation have taught you answers, you are tired, frightened; you don’t care, you want to be left alone as long as you yourself are safe; you no longer have the capacity or the will to grieve over any wrongs but your own.
 So you young men and women in this room tonight, and in thousands of other rooms like this one about the earth today, have the power to change the world, rid it forever of war and injustice and suffering, provided you know how, know what to do. And so according to the old Frenchman, since you can’t know what to do because you are young, then anyone standing here with a head full of white hair, should be able to tell you.
 But maybe this one is not as old and wise as his white hairs pretend or claim. Because he can’t give you a glib answer or pattern either. But he can tell you this, because he believes this. What threatens us today is fear. Not the atom bomb, nor even fear of it, because if the bomb fell on Oxford tonight, all it could do would be to kill us, which is nothing, since in doing that, it will have robbed itself of its only power over us: which is fear of it, the being afraid of it. Our danger is not that. Our danger is the forces in the world today which are trying to use man’s fear to rob him of his individuality, his soul, trying to reduce him to an unthinking mass by fear and bribery—giving him free food which he has not earned, easy and valueless money which he has not worked for; the economies or ideologies or political systems, communist or socialist or democratic, whatever they wish to call themselves, the tyrants and the politicians, American or European or Asiatic, whatever they call themselves, who would reduce man to one obedient mass for their own aggrandizement and power, or because they themselves are baffled and afraid, afraid of, or incapable of, believing in man’s capacity for courage and endurance and sacrifice.
 That is what we must resist, if we are to change the world for man’s peace and security. It is not men in the mass who can and will save Man. It is Man himself, created in the image of God so that he shall have the power and the will to choose right from wrong, and so be able to save himself because he is worth saving;—Man, the individual, men and women, who will refuse always to be tricked or frightened or bribed into surrendering, not just the right but the duty too, to choose between justice and injustice, courage and cowardice, sacrifice and greed, pity and self;—who will believe always not only in the right of man to be free of injustice and rapacity and deception, but the duty and responsibility of man to see that justice and truth and pity and compassion are done.
 So, never be afraid. Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion, against injustice and lying and greed. If you, not just you in this room tonight, but in all the thousands of other rooms like this one about the world today and tomorrow and next week, will do this, not as a class or classes, but as individuals, men and women, you will change the earth; in one generation all the Napoleons and Hitlers and Caesars and Mussolinis and Stalins and all the other tyrants who want power and aggrandizement, and the simple politicians and time-servers who themselves are merely baffled or ignorant or afraid, who have used, or are using, or hope to use, man’s fear and greed for man’s enslavement, will have vanished from the face of it.

—William Faulkner

イアン・マッケランに関する醜いcustody battleは避けられた

EDINBURGH, SCOTLAND—Following Scotland’s referendum Thursday rejecting independence from the United Kingdom, sources confirmed that a protracted and ugly custody battle over celebrated actor Sir Ian McKellen had been narrowly avoided. “In addition to preventing the potentially painful political and economic shocks of secession, yesterday’s vote averted what was certain to be a bitter, messy, and drawn-out struggle between England and Scotland over which people have rightful claim to Ian McKellen and can count his impressive film and theater legacy as a source of national pride,” said political analyst Stephen Murray, noting that the 75-year-old, Lancashire-born actor of Scottish descent is regarded by both countries as a national treasure and would be defended bitterly in any custody dispute. “When you consider the classically trained thespian’s résumé—The Royal Shakespeare Company, The Lord Of The Rings, his Tony Award-winning turn in Amadeus, Richard III—you can see just how valuable he is to both countries. Thankfully, Sir Ian will remain a jointly British source of pride, and the region will avoid a very nasty international incident.” Murray noted that the vote was not without negative repercussions, however, as the decision to remain united meant that neither nation would be able to foist Gordon Ramsay on the other.

Source: Ugly Custody Battle Over Ian McKellen Narrowly Avoided | The Onion - America's Finest News Source




