
Lincoln the Persuader

As we know, no presidency was more crisis-ridden and hectic than Lincoln’s. His surface calm and good-natured demeanor do not suggest how totally engaged he was by the job. While never well organized or systematic, he was an energetic, han…

Rube Goldberg

The world's most awesome Rube Goldberg ... ……9分も観てられねェよ Rube Goldberg てのはアメリカの漫画家の名前で彼の漫画のように「馬鹿げたほど複雑な;複雑過ぎて実際的でない」*1とかいう意味を表し、動画のようなピタゴラスイッチ的なものを一般…

Novel Finding: Reading Literary Fiction Improves Empathy

Novel Finding: Reading Literary Fiction Improves Empathy: Scientific American How important is reading fiction in socializing school children? Researchers at The New School in New York City have found evidence that literary fiction improve…

"I, Frankenstein"

'I, Frankenstein' Trailer Offers Look At Action-Heavy Adaptation That Might Not Get Mary Shelley's Stamp*1 The newest iteration of Frankenstein's monster, played by a buff*2 Aaron Eckhart, is "like no other" -- unless you're familiar with …