


ドラえもんが好きな人にお聞きしたいのですが、今までドラえもんの映画に出てきた敵組織、 勢力で(乗っとられたものや和解したものを含む)1番強い・脅威と思われるものはなんでしょうか??(後略)





Source: ドラえもんが好きな人にお聞きしたいのですが、今までドラえもんの映画に出てきた... - Yahoo!知恵袋



キーワード:逆進する(reverse)、pull in(到着する)、pull into(~に車・列車を入れる)、鉄道操車場(railway yard)、衝突する(ram, collide withなど)



close shave=間一髪のところで逃れること(例:I had a close shave of being killed. 九死に一生を得た。)



[予定]のon(例:I'm still on for tonight. 今夜の予定に変更はない)


Train reverses into another at New Delhi station, close shave for passengers

NEW DELHI: Arun Tewari, a coach attendant on the Paschim Express, got lucky on Saturday as the Kerala Express, which was reversing to the railway yard, rammed his train as it was pulling into New Delhi station. "I was supposed to stand by the rear gate which has been smashed. But at that time I was in the middle of the coach, attending to a passenger," said Tewari.

Two coaches of the Paschim Express were damaged. Luckily, no one sustained injury as most of the passengers who had to get off at New Delhi station were standing near the front gate of the coaches, said S Gupta, a passenger in B2. A woman passenger, however, fell off her berth due to the impact. Several passengers of the AC coaches jumped onto the platform in panic, but as the train was moving slow while pulling in, no one sustained injuries.

The collision occurred around 4.40pm when the Paschim Express(12924), coming from Amritsar, was entering platform no. 5. Nine of the 24 coaches of the train had entered the station when Kerala Express on platform no. 4, came onto the common track while reversing to the railway yard and collided with the coaches. The two platforms are adjacent and parallel to each other and the tracks join around 100 yards from the end of the platform.

"The Thiruvananthapuram-New Delhi Kerala Express had arrived at platform number 4 more than an hour before the incident. After all the passengers had disembarked, the engine driver started reversing the train towards the railway yard," said Rasil Sadh, who was waiting to board Paschim Express. Railway sources when the front engine reverses the train — as was the case on Saturday — authorities confirm that a guard is present in the last coach to navigate. Apparently, no one was doing the job on Saturday.

Unaware of the approaching Paschim Express, the driver of the Kerala Express continued to reverse into the common track. The last coach of Kerala Express brushed past B1 coach of Paschim Express and rammed B2 and B3. The last two coaches had to be replaced before the train could head for Mumbai around 7.25pm.

Northern Railway said a probe was on to find out if there was any lapse. "We have formed a committee and initiated a probe to find out how it happened. Whoever is found responsible will face strict disciplinary action," said Neeraj Sharma, chief public relations officer of Northern Railway.

Souce: Train reverses into another at New Delhi station, close shave for passengers - Times Of India












Train reverses into another at New Delhi station, close shave for passengers


NEW DELHI: Arun Tewari, a coach attendant on the Paschim Express, got lucky on Saturday as the Kerala Express, which was reversing to the railway yard, rammed his train as it was pulling into New Delhi station. "I was supposed to stand by the rear gate which has been smashed. But at that time I was in the middle of the coach, attending to a passenger," said Tewari.


Two coaches of the Paschim Express were damaged. Luckily, no one sustained injury as most of the passengers who had to get off at New Delhi station were standing near the front gate of the coaches, said S Gupta, a passenger in B2. A woman passenger, however, fell off her berth due to the impact. Several passengers of the AC coaches jumped onto the platform in panic, but as the train was moving slow while pulling in, no one sustained injuries.


The collision occurred around 4.40pm when the Paschim Express(12924), coming from Amritsar, was entering platform no. 5. Nine of the 24 coaches of the train had entered the station when Kerala Express on platform no. 4, came onto the common track while reversing to the railway yard and collided with the coaches. The two platforms are adjacent and parallel to each other and the tracks join around 100 yards from the end of the platform.


"The Thiruvananthapuram-New Delhi Kerala Express had arrived at platform number 4 more than an hour before the incident. After all the passengers had disembarked, the engine driver started reversing the train towards the railway yard," said Rasil Sadh, who was waiting to board Paschim Express. Railway sources when the front engine reverses the train — as was the case on Saturday — authorities confirm that a guard is present in the last coach to navigate. Apparently, no one was doing the job on Saturday.


Unaware of the approaching Paschim Express, the driver of the Kerala Express continued to reverse into the common track. The last coach of Kerala Express brushed past B1 coach of Paschim Express and rammed B2 and B3. The last two coaches had to be replaced before the train could head for Mumbai around 7.25pm.



Northern Railway said a probe was on to find out if there was any lapse. "We have formed a committee and initiated a probe to find out how it happened. Whoever is found responsible will face strict disciplinary action," said Neeraj Sharma, chief public relations officer of Northern Railway.





He won’t break a bruised reed. He won’t quench a smoking flax, until he leads justice to victory.*1


ここから quench a smoking flax は「将来性のある発展を中断する」意味。









 その霊で油塗られた方として、キリストは通りで騒ぐことをしないだけでなく、傷んだ葦を折ることなく、煙っている灯心を消すこともありません。これは、拒絶され反対されている間に、主はなおもあわれみに満ちていたことを示しています。主に反対していたユダヤ人は傷んだ葦、煙っている灯心のようでした。ユダヤ人には、葦の笛を作る習慣がありました。葦が傷つくと、彼らはそれを折りました。彼らはまた油を燃やすために、亜麻で灯心を作りました。油が燃えつき、灯心がくすぶると、彼らはそれを消しました。主の民のある者は、音楽的な音色を出すことができない傷ついた葦のようでした。他の者は、光を輝かすことのできない、煙っている灯心のようでした。しかし主は、傷ついた者たちを折ることも、煙っている者たちを消すこともされません。主は拒絶されましたが、やはりあわれみ深いのです。傷んだ葦となった者たちをさえ、主は折ろうとされず、煙っている灯心を消そうとされません。むしろ、主はなおも、彼らすべてにあわれみと恵みの戸を開き続けておられます。今日、彼に従う者、信者たちの間で、多くの者は、もはや美しい歌を歌うことができない傷んだ葦となってしまいました。普通なら、これらの傷んだ葦は折られ、捨てられるはずでした。しかしキリストはそうしようとされません。さらに、彼の信者の多くはもはや輝く光として燃えていません。普通なら、彼は彼らをみな消し、捨て去ったはずでした。しかし主はそのどちらをもしようとされません。むしろ、彼はあわれみ深いのです。どれほど多くの反対、迫害、攻撃があっても、この天の王は常にあわれみ深いのです。彼はあわれみ深い、王なる救い主です。あなたは今日彼を拒絶しても、彼はやはりあなたにあわれみ深いのです。明日もしあなたが、「主よ、悔い改めます」と言うなら、彼はあなたを愛をもって取り扱ってくださいます。何と彼はあわれみ深い救い主でしょう! 彼は決して傷んだ葦を折ったり、煙っている灯心を消したりされません。むしろ、あなたが彼のあわれみと恵みを受け入れるのを待っておられます。(ウイットネス・リー著『ライフスタディ―マタイによる福音書』第32編、日本福音書房

Souce: 傷んだ葦と煙っている灯心: わかりやすい聖書真理―回復訳を読む




「彼は傷んだ葦を折らない。 彼は燻る亜麻の灯心を消さない、彼が正義を勝利に導く時までは。」


Babbling, Bumbling Band of Baboons -- Harry Potter ...



Mcgonagall: The Yule Ball has been a tradition of the... Triwizard Tournament since its inception. On Christmas eve night, we and our guests gather in the Great Hall for a night of well-mannered frivolity. As representatives of the host school, I expect each and every one of you to put your best foot forward, and I mean this literally, because the Yule Ball is first and foremost... a dance. 

Girls: Ooh! 

Boys: Aw...(mumble) 

Mcgonagal: Silence. The house of Godric Gryffindor has commanded the respect of the wizard world for nearly ten centuries. I will not have you, in the course of a single evening, besmirching that name by behaving like a babbling, bumbling band of baboons

Fred: Try saying that five times faster. 

George: Babbling, bumbling band of baboons... 

Fred: Babbling, bumbling band of baboons... 

George: Babbling, bumbling band of baboons. 

Mcgonagall: Now, to dance is to let the body breathe. Inside every girl a secret swan slumbers, longing to burst forth and take flight. 

Ron: Something's about to burst out of Hilary’s middle, but I don't think it's a swan. 

Seamus: Heh, heh. 

Mcgonagall: Inside every boy, a lordly lion prepared to prance. Mr. Weasley... 

Ron: Yes? 

Mcgonagall: Will you join me, please? 

Ron: Hmm. 

Mcgonagall: Now, place your right hand on my waist. 

Ron: Where? 

Mcgonagall: My waist. 

Boy: (whistles) 

Mcgonagall: Now bend your arm. 

Fred and George: Heh, heh. 

Mcgonagal: Mr. Filch, if you please... One, two, three; one, two, three; one, two, three... 

Fred AND George: (humming) 

Harry: Oi! Never gonna let him forget this, are you?

Fred and George: Never. 

Mcgonagall: Everybody come together. Boys, on your feet. 



Babbling bumbling band of baboons - YouTube

a babbling bumbling band of baboons  = ぺちゃくちゃ喋るヘマなヒヒの群れ(baboon(ヒヒ)は愚かな人という意味)

Somewhere Out There

アメリカ物語(原題:An American Tail)から。

Fievel - Somewhere Out There [HD music video + ...


somewhere out there - Linda Ronstadt and James ...



旋律がまさに月の光のようにきれいなのは言うまでもないのだが、特に And even though からのかけ合いがいい